Community councillors agree a public inquiry should be held.
A spokeswoman for SCC said: “We realise the issue of whether Stornoway Wind Farm should get planning consent is a big economic decision for the islands.
“But it is also a big decision for the town of Stornoway, and one which is important to get right – for now and for future generations.
“We know there is much public interest in this matter.
“Therefore we feel that, since the Scottish Government has asked if we would like a public inquiry, it would be wise to accept, to ensure that all the potential issues have been addressed and to make sure that everyone – particularly the community of Stornoway and its environs – is comfortable with the situation.”
SSEN Distribution is to replace the failed 33kv distribution link to the Isle of Harris on a like for like basis rather than upgrading to a larger link pushed for by some islanders.
The network company said it expected the replacement cable between Skye and the Western Isles off Scotland to deliver 8-10MW more capacity than the current 23.4MW link which failed in October.
Delivery of alternative solutions including replacing the cable with a new 132kv link has been ruled by SSE as delivery would not have been possible before February 2023, leaving Lewis and Harris reliant on a backup diesel generator (