As early as this fall, physical labor may be underway to significantly reduce the amount of flooding at Vineyard Haven’s Five Corners intersection. A new plan outlined in front of town officials Wednesday would combine three outfall pipes at Beach Street Extension into one structure that engineers say would be more effective at keeping back […]
Oak Bluffs is looking to improve and showcase stormwater resiliency methods on Hudson Avenue. James Houle, program director at the University of New Hampshire’s Stormwater Center, proposed the use of a so-called bioretention and permeable parking concept design on Hudson Avenue during a Tuesday, Oct. 24 Oak Bluffs Select Board meeting. While further permitting is […]
On June 22, Tisbury’s select board voted unanimously to write a letter of endorsement for a Beach Street and Beach Street Extension Drainage project headed up by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT). The board learned MassDOT plans to execute the project in two parts and one of those parts remains in a study phase. […]