Sporting chance. Welcome to the Program India has become the latest and largest country to introduce a nationwide lockdown in the fight against the coronavirus its population of 1300000000 has been told to stay at home the country is so fascinating about 560 confirmed cases and 11 deaths and there are fears that infections could spread quickly in densely populated urban areas crowds formed at pharmacies and speech shops shortly before the midnight deadline nonessential businesses have been closed most flights and Rail Services have been stopped and the busy bollywood Film Industry has ground to a halt indian Prime Minister nuri interim o. T. Said without the 21 day lockdown the country could be set back 21 years. So lets join t. W. Correspondent nimish it jives well daddy welcome the nation of people biting by these new restrictions. Well to a large extent yes people have not been coming out on the streets as much as they would have the sunday one untreatable a few was hugely successfu
Could soon become the new epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic. Welcome to the Program India has become the latest and largest country to introduce a nation wide lockdown in the fight against the corona virus its population of 1300000000 has been told to stay at home the country is so fascinated about 560 confirmed cases and 11 deaths and there are fears that infections could spread quickly in densely Populated Areas crowds formed at pharmacies and shops shortly before the midnight deadline nonessential businesses have been closed most flights and rail service has been stopped and the busy bollywood Film Industry has ground to a halt indian Prime Minister and the renter modi said that without the 21. 00 day lockdown the country could be set back by 21 years. So lets join data because by that name we should just well daddy welcome to make sure our people abiding by these new restrictions well to a large extent yes people have not been coming out on the streets as much as they would hav
Is shut down to his fantasies. Welcome to the Program India has become the latest and largest country to introduce a nationwide lockdown in the fight against the coronavirus the country has so far seen about 560 confirmed cases and 11 deaths but there are fears that infections could spread quickly. That pharmacies and shops shortly before midnight deadline nonessential businesses are closed most flights and Rail Services have been stopped busy bollywood Film Industry has ground to a halt Prime Minister remotely said that without the 21 day lockdown the country could be set back by 21 years. So lets join d. W. Correspondent misha jives well in delhi welcome dementia up people buying by these new restrictions. Well to a large extent yes people have not been coming out on the streets as much as they would have the sunday one untreatable a few was hugely successful with reports of millions day but its not quite the same done streets right now because people are allowed to step out to get e
Additional funding is provided. Corporate funding is provided by. Governor ned lamont, welcome to firing line. Margaret, nice to see you. You are the governor the state of connecticu a state that, as you pointed ishe fourthmost covidinfected state per capita in the country of covid in your s 3,000 cases and that number is increasing rapidly each day. Now, you, along with all of your fellow governors, are workinaround the clock to protect the citizens of your state, and so, governor, i wonder, can you tell me, where doou think you are in the curve right now . Running like hell and the virus is catching up every day. What the federal government doesnt realize is they think about this in terms of states and new york has all the fatalities, infections. They targeall the equipment and ppe there. And we keep trying to say, think about connecticut as part of that new yorpandemic. And if you do that, then youll see that we havee urth highest infection rate in the country right behind new york
Im feel girl welcome to the Program India has become the latest and largest country to introduce a nationwide lockdown in the fight against the corona virus the country has so far seen about 560 confirmed cases and 11 deaths but there are fears that infections could spread quickly crowds for but pharmacies and shops shortly before midnight deadline on essential businesses have been closed or most flights and Rail Services have been stopped and the busy bollywood Film Industry has ground to a halt indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that without this 21 day lockdown the country could be set back by 21 years. So lets join correspondent nimish it jives well in delhi welcome the nation are people biting by these new restrictions. Well to a large extent yes people have not been coming out on the streets as much as they would have the sunday one people if you will is hugely successful with reports of millions its not quite as same done streets right now because people are not allowed to