Ainsley kathy is the greatest mother ever steve tips. Ainsley good thick is having a morning show the dads do the lunch. Steve im going to have some of this right now. Ainsley guess what . Guess what . Second hour of fox friends starts right now steve soups on. All right. President Biden Touting the Inflation Reduction Act. Yep. One year later after signing it. But stays silent on his sons legal problems. Also admitted this was misnamed and giggled. Hunter now losing his criminal attorney after claiming the Justice Department backed out of a plea deal. And david weiss begs to differ. Peter doocy is live at the white house just down the road from me in our d. C. Bureau. And, peter, i saw your name on your office and it is huge. Its got a poll and i could not believe you got all these things. Thats why you rushed back to work. Pete brian, im at the white house. Can you check my mail . Brian i will. Right away. I saw the postman there a second ago. Is he wearing shorts here at the white h
we heard that young lady who said she transitioned and then she regretted it. we heard her speak to congress and she was in tears and said she wanted to commit suicide afterwards. because she regretted it. brian: alli london was on my radio show yesterday. and he was becoming a korean woman and then realized he is having a mental problem. he went and saw someone and goes what am i doing? i m having all types of hormone blockers. going through all types of he had labors physical activity. and now he has sobered up. i asked him what do you say to people? he wrote a book about it. they won t carry his book in book stores because he talks about the dangers of transitioning. and he blames social media, specifically tiktok. he says in the u.k. they are crashincracking down on it stopg hormone blockers. we seem late to sober up. i feel bad for teachers. you know instinctively they want to tell you. now districts are stopping it and unions enforcing it. bad cycle. steve: good for jersey 10