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Sputnik International
Pima County GOP headquarters vandalized
and last updated 2021-01-07 15:44:11-05
TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) â The Pima County Republican headquarters was vandalized.
According to the organization, the event was related to Wednesday s deadly protest in Washington, D.C.
The vandalized building is located at 1740 E. Fort Lowell Road.
âIn Washington D.C. on January 6, 2021, Americans arrived in peaceful protest for their voices to be heard and their ballots to be counted. Many people believe their freedom is at risk and they are shackled in the land of liberty. The disappointment and anger of failed leadership and destroyed trust from years of bickering and partisanship ploys bubbled up in a blinded rage which led to violence in our Capital. Last night the lawlessness arrived in Tucson as thugs vandalized the Pima County GOP Headquarters. The people of Tucson will not stand for violence and lawlessness, Shelley Kais said in a statement. âWe offer condolences to the family o
Vandalism of Black Lives Matter posters at DC-area churches exposes divisions over faith, politics
Luis M. Alvarez/AP
Supporters of President Donald Trump are seen down Pennsylvania Avenue during a Trump rally at Freedom Plaza, Saturday, Dec. 12, 2020, in Washington. (AP Photo/Luis M. Alvarez)
By: The Associated Press & Scripps National
Posted at 4:50 AM, Dec 16, 2020
and last updated 2020-12-16 07:50:28-05
WASHINGTON â Vandalism at four downtown Washington churches after rallies in support of President Donald Trump is exposing rifts among people of faith as the nation confronts bitter post-election political divisions.
The houses of worship that were vandalized included two historically Black churches where people ripped down Black Lives Matter banners.