The Clinician-led Community Response Team is deployed across the citys downtown district. There are no police or members of law enforcement on the team, an arrangement that has never existed in Indianapolis before.
School is back and one way parents can set their kids up for success is ensuring screen time is not getting in the way of sleep. Dr. Maida Chen, professor of pediatrics at the University of Washington School of Medicine, said there is a strong connection between sleep and mental health, and they affect each other in a circular way, which Chen pointed out screens can exacerbate. .
This is National Suicide Prevention Week, part of National Suicide Prevention Month, a time to raise awareness of the problem, and ways to prevent it. The California Parent and Youth Helpline reports a dramatic increase in calls about suicide - making up about 60% of the calls, texts and live chats received since May of last year. Dr. .
Recently approved legislation provides funding for barriers on the Penobscot Narrows Bridge - a scenic but unfortunate hot spot for suicide attempts. The bridge currently has posted signs and phones, which connect those in distress with a crisis clinician, but mental health advocates say it s not enough. Greg Marley, senior clinical director of suicide prevention for the Maine chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Health, said the barriers are needed to help buy time. .
What began as a conversation between Indianapolis community leaders about public health and criminal-justice reform in 2021 has led to the formation of a new team to address the needs