GREENFIELD “Don’t Stop Believing” was played by Greg Snedeker on piano while 22 students dressed in white and holding a single rose each walked down the lawn to receive their high school diplomas on Saturday at Stoneleigh-Burnham School.“With all of.
After three years, the Poet’s Seat Poetry Contest celebrated with an in-person ceremony at Stoneleigh Burnham School on May 17, where 20 poems from Franklin County residents were read, heard, appreciated and celebrated. While the annual contest,.
GREENFIELD Anne Yeomans’ memories of the days she spent watching and admiring birds as a 10-year-old girl are as vivid today as they were 70 years ago.“Those memories are from really long ago, from my childhood, and they’re very vivid to me,” said.
Area residents with close ties to Russia in Franklin and Hampshire counties are expressing great concern, but little shock, over President Vladimir Putin’s decision to invade a sovereign Ukraine, causing widespread devastation and sparking Europe’s.
Area residents with close ties to Russia in Franklin and Hampshire counties are expressing great concern, but little shock, over President Vladimir Putin’s decision to invade a sovereign Ukraine, causing widespread devastation and sparking Europe’s.