Former Stoneham, Mass., Det. Sgt. Robert Kennedy, with a history of evictions and unpaid civil judgements, avoided prison time after pleading guilty to wire.
Then-Detective Sergeant Robert Kennedy's 20-year history of evictions and unpaid judgements was uncovered in an NBC10 Boston investigation in February. He was.
Stoneham resident named MVES officer
Community Content
The board of directors of Mystic Valley Elder Services recently elected four new officers to lead the company in the coming year, including Janice T. Houghton of Stoneham.
The MVES board of directors is composed of 29 members all of whom represent the 11 communities that MVES serves. More than 50% of the board is age 60 or over and more than half are appointed by area municipal Councils on Aging, ensuring that MVES is governed by the people that the agency serves.
“Mystic Valley Elder Services is fortunate to have dedicated community members who are willing and able to serve our agency,” said MVES Chief Executive Officer Daniel J. O’Leary. “The new officers, elected by their peers, will undoubtedly bring wisdom and energy to the agency and its initiatives.”