The Delhi High Court Saturday refused to interfere with the exemption granted to top wrestlers Vinesh Phogat and Bajrang Punia from the Asian Games trials and dismissed a petition by two well-known grapplers against their direct entry into the Indian squad for the tournament.
The Delhi High Court on Thursday asked the ad-hoc panel running the affairs of the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) to state before it the reasons for exempting top wrestlers Vinesh Phogat and Bajrang Punia from the Asian Games trials.
Former Wrestling Federation of India s President Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh and the Federation s assistant secretary Vinod Tomar Singh have been granted regular bail by the Rouse Avenue Court of Delhi in a sexual harassment case filed by several wrestlers.
The 1599-page chargesheet filed by the Delhi Police against Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) chief Brij Bhushan in the sexual harassment case of female wrestlers have shocking claims made by alleged victims.