innocence. and then, years later, stoll got word that margie grafton and her boyfriend had been set free. their convictions thrown out. had she been able to prove what both had believed at trial that the children s stories were made up? well, no. instead, grafton s lawyer discovered that a psychiatric analysis had been performed on both margie grafton and her boyfriend tim, and from that analysis it was determined that neither one of them had a sexual inclination toward children. but this very important bit of evidence was ruled inadmissible by the judge at trial. and while margie and tim sat in jail for years and years, an appeal arguing that the psychiatric analysis should have been allowed in court made it all the way up to the california supreme court, which ruled in their favor and ordered their release. how long were you incarcerated? almost eight years. i missed my kids for years.
the first five years in prison i was in and out of the hole. why did you get in the hole? i had an attitude. for stoll, changing that attitude meant finally shutting his mind off from the world beyond these walls and giving up any hope that someone outside cared about him or his claims of innocence. and then, years later, stoll got word that margie grafton and her boyfriend had been set free. their convictions thrown out. had she been able to prove what both had believed at trial that the children s stories were made up? well, no. instead, grafton s lawyer discovered that a psychiatric analysis had been performed on both margie grafton and her boyfriend tim, and from that analysis it was determined that neither one of them had a sexual inclination toward children. but this very important bit of evidence was ruled inadmissible by the judge at trial. and while margie and tim sat in