October capped their worst 12-month period ever, and the economy is under pressure. Yet the fundamental math of bond returns bodes well for 2023, our columnist says.
today. as far as the rainfall totals are going to go, our computers are estimating an additional 3 to 4 inches of rain from the dallas area up towards, heading up to ft. smith, arkansas. shreveport, new orleans, you ll get rain but the heaviest of it will stay in texas. the rest of the east coast, we re okay today. yesterday, what a beautiful warm day up in new england, mid-atlantic. snow showers from minneapolis northwards towards northern wisconsin. otherwise it s a quiet day. we had the heavy rain yesterday in the pacific northwest. today, more showers around seattle. how great has the weather been around denver? today, 54 degrees. not bad, d.c. atlanta looks good today, along with florida. it was mid-50s in boston yesterday. that s a thing of the past. no cold air in sight. thanks so much. coming up, stocks sputter,