i m wolf blitzer. you re in the situation room . captions by vitac www.vitac.com we begin with breaking news on wall street. a dramatic rescue and equally dramatic reaction on wall street. the stock market skyrocketing today on new that is the federal reserve and other central banks are taking direct action to prevent a financial meltdown in the euro zone using the their resources to keep money and credit flowing amid the staggering debt crisis. it s the largest coordinated move of its kind since 2008 when similar action brought u.s. credit markets back from the brink. let s go straight to alison kosik at the new york stock exchange. a banner day on wall street today. just a stunning rally. we re ending the day, the dow up 482 points. this is the best point gain for the dow we ve seen in two and a half years, this all coming after the central banks stepping in and meeting this relief rally. investors seeing it finally these monetary policymakers get it. what central