it was unquestionably a wild week on wall street. folks said they d never seen anything like it. the dow tried to recover after opening at one point 1,000 points down on monday morning. and there was hope. we saw two days of gains on wednesday and thursday after some announcements from china. peter morrisi, professor of economics university of maryland joins us now. as we talk really what sort of drove this was the bursting of the chinese stock market bubble. i guess the bigger question is can the chinese stock market bubble bursting take us down? well, it could, but it didn t. investors came to their senses on wednesday and thursday before the chinese put liquidity in and the u.s. markets recovered. you know, china can greatly effect us, but i don t think it can destroy us. may not be able to destroy
closed and the atm s are being limited. in puerto rico the governor is warning that the debt is unpayable and the governor is going to ask if they can follow bankruptcy. and stocks down 6% in china after being down 8% on friday. the stock market bubble bursting there. we begin in athens with greg is live on the ground there. reporter: eric considering everything the greeks have been through so far they are holding up. there is a 60 euro cap on any atm with drawl if they can find the cash in the machines. and for the next eight days