Aflac Is Buying a Stake in a Direct Lender, Getting a Piece of the Private Credit Boom The insurance giant is paying about $100 million to acquire a 40% stake in Tree Line Capital Partners.
Aflac Is Buying a Stake in a Direct Lender, Getting a Piece of the Private Credit Boom The insurance giant is paying about $100 million to acquire a 40% stake in Tree Line Capital Partners.
Microsoft Asks Hundreds of China-Based AI Staff to Consider Relocating Amid U.S.-China Tensions The request comes as the Biden administration toughens controls on China s access to cutting-edge.
Microsoft Asks Hundreds of China-Based AI Staff to Consider Relocating Amid U.S.-China Tensions The request comes as the Biden administration toughens controls on China s access to cutting-edge.
Microsoft Asks Hundreds of China-Based AI Staff to Consider Relocating Amid U.S.-China Tensions The request comes as the Biden administration toughens controls on China s access to cutting-edge.