The BSE Sensex hit a record high of 52,154 on February 15, which represented a 100.70 per cent surge over March 23, 2020 levels. The index is hovering at 51,000-odd levels in Thursday s trade.
Johannes Eisele/Getty Images
Stocks have been flat over the last month, but pockets of speculation endure.
In a recent piece, Lance Roberts argued that stocks are in a bubble that will eventually burst.
He shared five indicators that show stocks over-extension.
Stocks have effectively gone sideways over the last month, with the S&P 500 down just 0.4% since April 21.
But that s unlikely to be the continued fate of stocks as the economic rebound that investors have been anticipating begins to play out, according to Lance Roberts, the chief investment strategist at RIA Advisors, a financial-planning firm with over $800 million under management.