not going to change the government of the united states. but they can change who runs it. they can change who runs it and they can raise the question, which i think is what s happening here, that we need to think bigger. i heard from hedge fund folks today and from stock blockers said we understand this economy doesn t work. we are aware that this recession is longer and deeper that we anticipated. simply recovering this economy is not going do it it is not going to do it for these for example not going to do it for the 99%, not even going to it for the 1% because we are on a crash course with the planet. all right. justin elliott, laura flanders, great to have both of you with us tonight. thanks for sticking around. i appreciate it so much. coming up in psychotalk, the hypocrites over at fox news who just won t accept what is happening down here in lower manhattan and around the country. later, congresswoman betty shut.of ohio and larry hanley of the atu union and more on th