The Royal Gazette/BSX Index fell 9.95 per cent on Thursday, closing at 2,186.35, down 241.71 points.
A total of 33,200 shares changed hands at a value of $373,725.
Of that, 25,000 LOM Financial Limit.
The Royal Gazette/BSX Index closed unchanged on Tuesday at 2,428, with 3,153 shares changing hands at a value of $45,030.75.
Of those shares, 957 Argus Group shares changed hands, closing at $5.75 unc.
Friday was a quiet day on the Bermuda Stock Exchange, but the RG/BSX Index fell 20.08 points (0.79 per cent) for the week to 2,533.66.
The index was nudged lower after BF&M Ltd fell $2.20 (10.9 pe.
The RG/BSX Index closed unchanged at 2,533.66 Wednesday, with no trading on the Bermuda Stock Exchange.
The Bank of N.T. Butterfield & Son Limited slipped 33 cents (0.90 per cent) to $36.25 on the.