The rapper released a music video for the parody song on Friday with Baste Records, which describes itself as a harbinger of the counter culture to cancel culture.
are notorious not being reliable, and the entire premise of the treatment is a lie. you can t actually become the opposite sex. no matter how you feel. john: you can t change your chromosomes. no. john: chloe, it was fascinating watching you on capitol hill and thank you for sharing your story. sandra. sandra: very interesting discussion. thank you very much. back to the white house, i m told we are, she s getting a question on hunter right now. still the case, back to the white house. thank you for your nice words and thank you to the whole press team. the i ve got two follow-ups, one on russia, on niger, more broadly can you talk about the concern of the united states sandra: ok, what just happened there, our reporter in the room today for the fox news channel is mark meredith. he asked a question about hunter, i m told that she cut him off and moved on very quickly. and that is why we did not see a reaction to that.