[question inaudible] their party is in shambles right now. They have the squad leading their party. Take a look at so many of the people that were the most outspoken, and they say this was a devastating day for The Democrats, and you know it, john, and everybody else knows it. This is a devastating day for The Democrats. A very dumb and unfair question. If you look at his correction, he took that totally out of play. He made his decision based on the facts, not based on some rule, so you shouldnt even ask
that question because you know it is a phony. Go ahead. [question indiscernible] pres. Trump The Democrats had nothing and now they have less than nothing and i think theyre going to lose the 2020 election very big, including congressional seats because of the path they chose. Now who knows where it goes, from what i hear, theyre giving up. I just say, i know them too well, they will never give up. Theyll go back in the room and try to figure something out. This whole thing has been h
anybody susurvived this crcrash. there s s not been an incnci with massisive fatalalities involvlving a a commercialal ai inin the u.s. . since 2009.. in americaca s airirports, moren 2 millioion people a a day are passining through h security on regulalar basis. it is a prettyty incredidible t that f flying happppens so safa all l the time.. tha that, inin a way, isis a mirira. here e it i is, uncncurated. yeah. if f i were notot doing well after all l the things that t h happenened in my l life, it wowe my o own faultlt, anand espepec bebecause i ststill haveve the f my l life next t to meme, who se
being indicted, arraigned for the fourth time. igned r thand think that that sr indication that the system is workingstem i, then that it d i don t think. well, to your point, that anyone excephinkt, you know, the biggest donald trump fans is sitting there thinking that that muging e thinki has anythio with what it looked like when mlk had his mumlg taken and the stuff about how much he weighs and all of tha that,t. i don t like that kind of commentary. i think it is completely uselesit s us and it distracts n the point here, which is that donald trump was indicte d in jurisdictions around this country by juries of regulard in new york and d.c. and atlanta and in south florida, wheree he calls home ts wasn t joy reid and rachel maddow sitting there. r it was regular people whoid listened to the evidence that was brought before theence m. when you say that people are rallying behind him, his diehard base , but the average american isn t, there s new polling out today, 62% think he commi
wi they will heed the family s calls. president biden releasedls and a statement as well saying, please be peaceful about this. but the timing it s is difficult. it s going to come out after seven pm on a friday nightybe and i can see both sides to this that maybe it s better if people are going to protestge .rk you have. the weekend where you re not supposed to be at work, but it also couldy be extremely dangerous people running around you. i mean, you re people runnaroune video on a friday night at seven thirty and you see a video like tha that,t. it s it s got to be pretty bad if they preemptively charge them to make sure that everyone knew that it was this bad. if they re saying that it san arguably worse than the rodney king video and we know that fiv there are people, the five police officers, firefighter who responded to the scene as well as i ve been charged,ena i think that we rerged in forg a really heart wrenching weekend. and a few days after that.o and i m honestly scared.
jesse , i know from the bottom heart that youa are put a cart away guy. now . o be i am okay t. you wer i used to not be that guyr. and you were a slacker then. i got here then and i look around in general and i believe bum t now i m a responsible citizen for all that in that f department. i think life is all about manners and good manners. if yorsu have. good manners, you live longer, you live you better and you put the cart away and you don t like garbagen in the street and so forth. so forth. i didn t put th i put the cart away. use i didn t used to . i m kind of i m like jesse on this. , i ll i used to be like, i got too much going on . it will i m just going to put it right there. i ll be finebe now . i do put but now i do put i put the cart away or i ll give it to someonet who s just parked their car.ir i m like this. tha that s fellow that s regifting.e gifting the car. you know what?a ca judgt it on rt. i don t know what. judge, just answer the question. yeah,