Why go: Known as Te Punga o Te Waka a Maui (The Anchor Stone of Maui s Canoe) to Māori, remote Stewart Island is one of New Zealand s most interesting destinations. Around 400 locals call New Zealand s third-largest island home, laid-back Kiwis who share their southern abode with more than a few real-deal, feathered kiwi. Rakiura National Park comprises more than 80 per cent of the island, and the park s Rakiura Track is an accessible way to explore a rugged environment of bush and beach infused with Māori heritage and more recent history. Birdlife includes New Zealand s best opportunity to see kiwi in the wild, plenty of pelagic species including shags, petrels and albatrosses, and a tiny offshore island sanctuary soundtracked by the overlapping calls of many native birds.