It's been three weeks since Russia invaded Ukraine, and while many thought that it would be over quickly, Ukraine is continuing to fend Russia off. Now, some analysts think Ukraine could win the war.
It's been three weeks since Russia invaded Ukraine, and while many thought that it would be over quickly, Ukraine is continuing to fend Russia off. Now, some analysts think Ukraine could win the war.
It s been three weeks since Russia invaded Ukraine, and while many thought that it would be over quickly, Ukraine is continuing to fend Russia off. Now, some analysts think Ukraine could win the war.
It's been three weeks since Russia invaded Ukraine, and while many thought that it would be over quickly, Ukraine is continuing to fend Russia off. Now, some analysts think Ukraine could win the war.
It's been three weeks since Russia invaded Ukraine, and while many thought that it would be over quickly, Ukraine is continuing to fend Russia off. Now, some analysts think Ukraine could win the war.