SOUTHBURYÂ â Members of the Zoning Commission, meeting Tuesday, July 13, found themselves grappling twice with issues that were more complicated than they first realized.
The first application, from Regency Centers, 775 Main St. South, was a request to install additional dumpsters behind the building that houses Home Goods. At one time, retailers shared a single dumpster or a set of dumpsters for recycling, trash, cardboard and grease from restaurants. Nowadays, retailers such as Home Goods, prefer to have individual dumpsters for liability reasons, architect Hugh Sullivan explained.
The location behind Building B presented some problems, he said. Eversource has a right-of-way back there, and the utility company had to approve the new set-up. As it was, Eversource was reportedly unhappy about five trees that were planted in the area several years ago. New screening will have to consist of shrubs and not trees.