Updated: May 6, 2021 8:41 a.m.
Back in 2009, I gave Willie a ride on Air Force One to the All-Star game in St. Louis.
I’ll never forget that day because it was one of the few times when I wasn’t the most important person on the plane. Everyone was excited to see Willie. And I was, too. I told him that if it hadn’t been for folks like him and Jackie Robinson leading the way, I might never have made it to the White House. The spirit Willie brought to the game and the way he carried himself not only changed baseball – it also changed people’s attitudes, and helped young Black and brown kids see themselves differently. We are lucky to be able to walk this earth with Willie Mays, and I’m glad he’s still going strong. (John Shea and Tal Kopan) Barack Obama| 44th President of the United States