The initial quake last month killed 8200 people and injured more than 17000 last week a second major earthquake struck 17 days after the first killing 117 people and injure 2800 a delaware medical team arrived back in the United States this morning, Katherine Scott was at Philadelphia International airport as they returned. This team has been in nepal for ten days treating people and delivering medical supplies they say that the need is great and will stay that way for sometime. The people of nepal still need a lot of help. Delaware medical relief team mobilized, they sent an advanced team of three to secure connections and then team b left. They returned today but not after passing the baton to a third team already on the ground. There are so many limitations to medical access because of the bound you ryes because of money needs and mountains. Sfl these teams have seen more than 1400 patients and they arrived with a suitcase full of supplies and a team of professionals. They say they