“Think dispute resolution is a tough nut to crack?” Welcome back to our series titled “Walk awhile in my shoes,” real world, gut-level messages from employees to managers. This series was inspired by the book “Walk Awhile in My Shoes” written by Eric Harvey and Steve Ventura. Since the series started, we have addressed “On change”, “On recognition”, “On performance evaluation”, “On participative management”, “On how performance problems are dealt …
Welcome back to our series titled “walk awhile in my shoes,” real world, gut-level messages from employees to managers. This series was inspired by the book “walk awhile in my shoes” written by Eric Harvey and Steve Ventura. I am the voice of the employee and today the employee is seeking to be heard “on how performance problems are dealt with” and “no win situations”. Dealing with performance problems has …
Recently I sat in a forum and listened to long serving employees from various fields talking about how different things were when they joined their organizations in comparison to how things are now. One of them said, when he joined the organization in a managerial position, he was hired based on his experience in the market but these days the focus seems to be on academic qualifications. Another person interjected …
For many employees in lead positions, annual performance evaluation is considered one of their least favourite times of the year. Most lead workers do not like having “hard conversations”, especially the ones that address subpar performance with employees who are also considered friends. In many cases, the conversations are delayed for as long as possible and in some cases they never happen. After all, everybody likes to be the one …
Last week, I was motivated to begin sharing employees’ perspective on issues that they want managers to be more understanding of. In many cases, managers do not have a true impression of challenges employees face. We sometimes think that employees overemphasize their problems, that they are lethargic and lack initiative. Often as managers, we attempt to fix problems only when they begin to affect the bottom line and although most …