DRIVERS are being warned that if you’re not watching the road, then officers in West Yorkshire might be watching you. West Yorkshire Police officers are out on the county’s roads in an unmarked HGV (Heavy Goods Vehicle) filming the driving habits of other road users. The five day operation which started on Monday in West Yorkshire is part of Operation Tramline, a national joint initiative between police forces and Highways England. Sergeant Steve Suggitt, of the Roads Policing Unit for West Yorkshire said: “Being in a HGV means we can not only see the car driver checking the latest message on their mobile, but we are also on the same level as other HGV drivers and can see if their attention is diverted from the road.
West Yorkshire Police are using the vehicle to film the driving habits of other road users. The five-day initiative is part of Operation Tramline, a national joint scheme between police forces and Highways England. Sergeant Steve Suggitt, of West Yorkshire roads policing unit, said: Being in a HGV means we can not only see the car driver checking the latest message on their mobile phone, but we are also on the same level as other lorry drivers and can see if their attention is diverted from the road. The elevated position of the HGV cab allows us to drive alongside vehicles to film any unsafe driver behaviour taking place.