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grandchild born while he was underground. greta: a lot of reason to be ing tonight. steve standby we ll be back to you. adam, it is so exciting. even like we get to share a little here in the united states. even this little fact, ups, the united states shipping company brought a 13 ton drilling tool from pennsylvania in less than 48 hours. ups gets a little nod. 13 ton drilling tool in less than 48 hours. there s so many ways in which so many different people, different companies participated in this extraordinary feat. reporter: absolutely greta. what a moment in time. what a moment for chile. they are partying here like we haven t seen before. they are talking about this being a national holiday, october 13th. a day that could be such a day in history. as you walk around you see smiles. last night we walked up this time, and you saw the hope on
which is able to drill and pound rock at the same time which seems to have made a huge difference in reaching the miners so quickly. greta: steve, thank you. coming up more breaking news. one rescue worker still underground. he s on the way out of there. ñ÷
miner out of the bottomless pit. it isn t a bottomless pit but it has felt that way, hasn t it steve? reporter: it has. it seemed that way during the emotional rollercoaster that these miners, their families and the nation has gone through over past two months. a mix of emotions right now. on the one hand as you saw singing that national anthem a great sense of national pride of being chilean. singing with the hard hats on their shoulder watching by everybody in the country provide pride of what they accomplished and pride in the miners how they carried themselves and the grace with which they did come out of that mine. also, i think a sense of exhaustion from these emotions and real relief that this engineering feat has been carried out. as far as the rescue the pace as everything else the has done exceeded expectations. they were getting them out
miner out of the bottomless pit. it isn t a bottomless pit but it has felt that way, hasn t it steve? reporter: it has. it seemed that way during the emotional rollercoaster that these miners, their families and the nation has gone through over past two months. a mix of emotions right now. on the one hand as you saw singing that national anthem a great sense of national pride of being chilean. singing with the hard hats on their shoulder watching by everybody in the country provide pride of what they accomplished and pride in the miners how they carried themselves and the grace with which they did come out of that mine. also, i think a sense of exhaustion from these emotions and real relief that this engineering feat has been carried out. as far as the rescue the pace as everything else the has done exceeded expectations. they were getting them out