The latest planning applications in the Grantham area Published: 07:00, 19 January 2021
South Witham, S20/1993: Mr Steve Stanbury - Listed Building Consent for repainting of front door at 14 Church Street.
Grantham, S20/2047: Mr John Edwards - Single storey -monopitch extension to north elevation at 18 Rosedale Drive.
Barkston, S21/0008: Stephanie Sheehan - Proposed low voltage overhead lines work adjacent to The Lodge, Hough Road.
Planning Applications (12078486)
Corby Glen, S21/0061: Ian Clayton - Fell fir tree at Woodhouse Arms, 2 Bourne Road.
Castle Bytham, S20/2150: Mr M Nichols - Proposed new chalet bungalow at Land Adjacent To Pineview Holywell Road.
Grantham, S20/2169: Mr and Mrs Nelson and Mable Chiwaridzo - Proposed single storey rear extension at 10 Goldsmith Road.