Bit of, shall we say, uncertainness about the whole thing. But the white house does continue to drive a continuing resolution to keep the government open. They hope that this will be until february 16th. Legislative Affairs Director mark short of the white house drive way just a short time ago saying he is confidence that he can get the vote in the house. The senate, though, is another question. They need ten democrats to pass the bill in the senate because senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina looks like hes going to vote against it. A democrat activist group is keeping track of democrats who are voting against this bill. Theyre taking names and short put the odds of it passing in the senate at 50 50. What the white house is throwing its support behind, six years of funding for the state Childrens Health insurance program, delays in obamacare taxes on health insurer, medical devices and cadillac plans and keep the government open through february 16th. The president didnt quite see
By Victor Trammell Photo credits: The United States Congress In lieu of the underwhelming amount of total COVID-19 vaccines, which have been administered on the U.S. populace, federal government officials are reconvening to come up with ways to substantially increase vaccinations as soon as possible. According to the Alabama Media Group, a statewide news agency, […]