The South Platte Education Association is getting frustrated with inaction from the RE-1 Valley School Board regarding adopting a policy that recognizes the union as the negotiating entity for the district. “We’ve asked for a very long time and we’ve been very patient, but we’re getting to the point where other districts are meeting and […]
The RE-1 Valley School Board got good news about its financials for Fiscal Year 2023 at a business meeting Monday. It appears that the district may be putting just over $1.9 million back into its fund balance. Interim Chief Finance Officer Deb County shared the news in her review of unaudited financials, noting that it […]
Family and friends attending RE-1 Valley athletic events will soon have the ability to pay for concessions and gate fees using credit cards. At a business meeting Monday, the school board approved a proposal from Credible Payments to facilitate credit card processing at schools for student activity events and concessions. Parents and staff members have […]
RE-1 Valley School District is implementing a new initiative to try to help address attendance and truancy issues. Cindy Reyes, Taylor Cowden and Azucena Nunez, family community coordinators, were at a school board meeting Monday to discuss the new Community Engagement Board that has been formed to help ensure students are going to school. Cowden, […]
Students in RE-1 Valley School District don’t go back to school until next Wednesday, but class was in session Thursday for staff members as the district held its annual welcome back staff meeting at Sterling High School. The morning started out with remarks from school board president Steve Shinn, who thanked businesses who sponsored the […]