Jeanne Wiebke, 66, of Remsen, died Tuesday, March 14, 2023, at Happy Siesta Health Care Center in Remsen. Jeanne was welcomed to the loving arms of Carel and La Donna (Weiler) Connor when she was.
and they are excellent. adam: this is good. hit the gym a little bit later eating all this food. yes, can you take them. adam: steve, toss it over to you, everyone dig. in eat these donuts. thank you. steve: all right. thank you very much, adam. lawrence: today taking our fridge full of leftovers and turning them into a world cup worthy feast. carley: steve is sharing easy delicious recipes from the simply happy cookbook and it smells so good. steve: first recipe. i know everybody has got a refrigerator full of thanksgiving stuff, right? this was inspired by carley, actually. because she all right. carley, i want you to have a bite of this. essentially it s a shepherd s pie. it s perfect for today s world cup against england because it s a very english thing. carley on one of other other
lawrence: am i the only one that looks forward to their updated picture every single year? i think it s such a great story. carley: these people never age. lawrence: they look the same is that updated. steve: part of the family now. terrific. carley: no longer strangers. steve: 7:16 on this friday. still ahead peach state show down as democrats look for senae run off races. president biden reportedly is assisting by not going to georgia. senator tom cotton is going to react to that coming up next. lawrence: plus, the hilarious reaction to senator warren s thanksgiving fail.