meet somebody according to the research that ted has done. that s when you meet someone. rachel: that s when you meet someone. brian: would you back me up on that? rachel: i have been out of the dating scene for a long time. brian: is he somewhat of a suite sayer and tell all. steve: lee brice is our all-american summer concert series performer. he is the final act of the season. he is live at fort hood as will cain is. and will the beginning of the first show you came out of that striker vehicle and the last hour we saw a reenlistment service we are going to see something coming up. we seal enlistment service. these are civilians committing to the united states of america. committing to the united states army. you mentioned this striker vehicle. this is infantry carrying vehicle, 11 soldiers will load up in this and take them down range to the fight it s 40,000 pounds. incredible piece of machinery just part of the third corps by the way. interesting historical fac