Outspoken Australian comedy legend Steve Hughes is returning to Ireland with his first full length show in six years. A world class comedy performer and former thrash metal drummer, Steve is known the globe over for his hard hitting, take no prisoners stand up. Having lived here back in 1999 Steve is no stranger to Ireland or indeed Galway, where some of his Roisin Dubh appearances achieved heights other comedians can only dream of.
Letter: League of Women voters express concern over Berne town operations
to the editor
FILE. Letter writer says, We look forward to learning how the Town of Berne addresses the concerns raised in the Coalition for Open Government report. This screenshot shows a May 13, 2020, town board meeting, including a resident s protest over the board s public comment policy.Screenshot
The League of Women Voters of Albany County was very interested in Steve Hughes’ article, “Report: Berne town board flouts open meetings law,” Jan. 1.
The League supports government transparency. Our position is clear in the 2016-18 Impact on Issues from the League of Women Voters of the United States: “The League of Women Voters of the United States believes that democratic government depends upon the informed and active participation of its citizens at all levels of government. The League further believes that governmental bodies must protect the citizen’s right to know b