A marriage takes two people to work. And what a wife needs from her husband may not be painfully obvious at first. A wife may not say these things out loud to her husband, but she's certainly thinking them, and it's up to the husband to listen.
A ranch retreat for men has all the markings of a Western movie, but with a lot more soul searching. GQ writer Rosecrans Baldwin gives readers a personal peek inside the Confident.
Just Because Your Marriage Isn't Easy Right Now, Doesn't Mean That You Give Up. Here Are Clear Signs It's Time To Let Your Marriage Go Without Divorcing.
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The Future of the U.S. and the World Will Depend on Our Choices
Trumpism or partnerism, strong or good: Part 2
Part 1 of this essay can be read here. I looked at the meaning of Trumpism, Partnerism, Strongmen and Goodmen and the choices we must make in the coming years. Here I’ll explore more about how we can heal the divide in our country and the world.