trump, but it s what christianity is pointing out today is that he is grossly immoral and ethically incompetent and he has no repentance for this. he doesn t show any contrition. he says he s never wrong. and what was what struck me very early there are was before he was president, he went to iowa and he was asked by steve dace if he had ever asked god for forgiveness and he said no. that s remarkable if you didn t have to ask for forgiveness then you can t be a christian because the central theme is you need a saviour to forgive. and by saying he doesn t forgive, it s so revealing because forgiveness is in the lord s prayer. that s the basis, yeah. you have to ask for forgiveness which tells you he never played the lord s prayer. it s in the catholic liturgy, it s in the main line prod test.
morning. steve, first, when you have the rnc to be shut out of last night s meeting how bad does that look for them and hue, if at all, does that muddle things between what these campaigns want and the rnc and the friction there? well, what you re looking at is just another sign of a political party in the midst of a civil war. the rnc mismanaged this from the beginning. they really tried to tightly construct who got debatsz, when the debates were allowed to happen. they back loaded the debate calendar and didn t give a lot of candidates an opportunity to make their case. instead they constructed the these poorly formed kiddie table debates which insulted a lot of the field and a lot of the grassroots. they would have done a better job, frankly, if they d have intentionally tried to gamesmanship the system. it might have gone better. instead you see over and over and over again that what happens is these guys just don t understand the grassroots, the base they represent, and they con
campaign. but that s just one example of what people see as the potential problems going forward. if tur s bobby jindal or you re mike huckabee, your objectives for the debates are very different if you re donald trump or ben carson and are leading. or you re jeb bush and are trying to get back in to the majority conversation. so i think along the way, it s inevitable that you re going to see some push and pull between these campaigns. it is not going to all be, look, we re all friends and we have the same objective and we re going to move forward. whether that is avoiding awkward moments when there s a little bit too much sweat on the forehead or gulping of water. chris jansing, good to see you. joining me now, conservative radio host steve dace, here in studio, msnbc political analyst for the nation, joan walsh. as we jump into this on a monday
because they moderate. the campaigns don t all have the same interests. donald trump wants nothing to do with telemundo. jeb bush and i would hope marco rubio would like to see telemundo in there. undercard guys want more time. over card people want them to have less time and would like to see even fewer than seven on the stage. poor reince priebus, he tried to grab control over it, he failed. he thought he was doing a favor. he got fox three debates, got some conservative partners. at least they have partners. the nation isn t helping to moderate any of the democratic debates. they don t have to. that s kind of they don t have to! their people are already moderating their debates. that s absolutely ridiculous. nobody from the nation is moderating any of these debates. steve, it s so funny. your people claim that democrats got away with so much with anderson cooper. i think he did a great job. he walk the right out there, he practically called hillary
clinton a fraud for changing her position. he grilled bernie sanders on saying no, he s not a capitalist and he threw martin o malley with his record as mayor which some people think helped over incarcerate black people in baltimore. you thought john harwood had a balanced moderating approach the other night? i think john harwood was tough. journalistic balance? yes, i do think he was balanced. i think he was tough because they were running roughshod over the other moderators until he stepped in. i have great respect for john. we have so much to talk about. and herein lies the problem. you guys have great respect for john. he s a progressive. you guys are progressive. he s not a progressive. john and i disagree steve, to you. jeb bush. let s turn it back around when it comes to jeb wush especially now that we re seeing this reboot. his jeb can fix it tour. he was on meet the press yesterday. my colleague chuck todd asked him about his campaign and the struggles he s