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welcome back to velshi & ruhle. here are the top stories this hour. president trump meeting with his cabinet right now. this as secretary of state rex tillerson insists he has had a candid and close relationship with the president but still refuses to confirm or deny calling him a moron. or the adjective that went along with that. well, ali. also on the president s agenda today, hosting senate majority leader mitch mcconnell for lunch. over the weekend, steve bann bannon called for a, quote, season of war against the gop establishment. breitbart uses the term war a lot. bannonwa wanted to blow
and undoing the freedom of press, there s a new piece that s fascinating with unnamed sources. the media makes up their sources. everyone watching, we don t make up our sources. the chain of approval is long and tedious. but here s what is in this piece. and correct me if i m wrong. he s had some amazing reporting over the past year about the trump administration. his reporting has bourn out many cases. let s look at what steve bannon is reported to have said here in this vanity fair piece. e he said to the president essentially that impeachment wouldn t be his problem. his biggest problem was the 25th amendment. trump said, what s that? bannon told people hi thinks trump has a 30% chance of making it to the full term. the 25th amendment was trending on twit ter.
the media who sat there and grinned and left it all unchecked. so there are problems with the networks. e he put them on display, but he won t like this piece coming out from vanity fair. as a result, the 25th amendment was trending throughout the day on twitter, which is astonishing. whooers wh here s what the claims are from this piece. related to claims made by steve bann bannon. the president asked what the 25th amendment. he thinks trump has a 30% chance of making it the full term. this is stunning stuff. these aren t from trump s enemies, but his biggest support er. what s the impact? we don t know what kind of tone those comments were made
his job and he was then fired. president trump fired james comey. days later, white house communications director stepped down. and the director of the office of government ethics who resigned. sean spicer quit. chief of staff reince priebus was replaced and not far behind anthony scaramucci. also chief strategist steve bannon followed him out the door in august and there was sebastian who left his post as white house advisor and now tom price resigning. and the debate of whether players taking a knee are doing the right thing, but a majority agree that president trump did the wrong thing by criticizing their actions.