french we guerrilla wars. you take a bunch of prisoners, you slaughter them. really savage. on the united states side, of course, you heard me mention a few of them. grant was a lieutenant down there, sherman was in california, robert e. lee was one of scott s engineers, and this whole roster of junior officers who become generals in the u.s. civil war. so you get a little of that on the mexican side, but most of them cut their teeth a little later. the three reasons the united states, if you could say it won the war i m not sure it did but just the disorganization and weakness of the mexican side. second was the superiority of the united states field artillery which is the best in the world at that time. and look at the devastation it wreaked on both be sides in the civil war. and the third was these west point graduates who were field and company-grade officers. the generals were all incompetents. whether they were politically appointed or not. because the ones who had