Steubenville Police Booked: A woman was charged with violating a protection order and possessing drugs after a male called for help removing her from a reside
Brooke County Sheriff Charged: Toccarez N. Bracy, 42, Parkersburg, driving under the influence, Tuesday. Steubenville Police Freeloading: Residents in the
Brooke County Sheriff Charged: Toccarez N. Bracy, 42, Parkersburg, driving under the influence, Tuesday. Steubenville Police Freeloading: Residents in the
Weirton Police Charged: Talon D. Feucht, 29, New Martinsville, entering without breaking, Friday. Charged: Charles L. Hendershot, 40, 926 Cove Road, enterin
Wintersville Police Cited: Courtney S. Hickeman, 29, 221 Church St., Hopedale, driving under the influence; Cynthia Minto, 51, 1421 Pennsylvania Ave., Steuben