The NLRB will accept mail-in ballots for the Stanford graduate worker unionization election until 5 p.m. on June 30. The announcement of election results is expected in early July.
The concept of students making relentless work look effortless has been deemed ‘duck syndrome’ by many at Stanford, due to the image of a duck floating across the water peacefully while kicking hard underneath. But despite its humorous name, it may have serious self-esteem and mental health consequences for students at Stanford and beyond.
Voting for the graduate worker union election will take place on campus and by mail, and results are expected in early July. If the majority of voters vote for representation, the SGWU will represent non-MBA graduate student-workers who provide the University teaching and research services.
The charter will apply to all student discipline cases filed with the Office of Community Standards on or after May 2, while any case filed before then will continue to be processed under the Student Judicial Charter of 1997. According to the Committee of 12, which researched student discipline at Stanford in recent years and proposed the charter, the new charter has multiple tiers and includes fewer instances of criminalistic language.
Following months of GSC-spearheaded advocacy on affordability and accessibility, the Marguerite Shopping Express returned to campus Friday as part of a one-year pilot program. The Shopping Express will run on weekends between Stanford campus, the Palo Alto Transit Center and the San Antonio Shopping Center in Mountain View.