saying you keep you made a mistake it s a terrible mistake it is a then zigzag wrong thing like you said something which i also said because i wished that they were right but i don t think that they were right why is there so little respect for a democratic to so it s the only issue it exerted by a talk it s all they took a democratic decision it s all yes they go to you live by it so why go on you by no one telling them they ve made a mistake one of except wish them luck move on. we ll see how much luck will be there when see and you accuse them of cherry picking yes they do. miss the stereo mic but would like to have all the nobody geishas from the relationship and the e.u. doesn t want to have its way though you want a balance you once a balance between mobley geishas and another seem to delight in warning that this is the end of the word politic that taken the light at all i mean i i m just