always see my glass half-full especially while i am waiting for the pill to dissolve in my drink. because that s what america is. i believe we have a lot of room for optimism because, like a with the iphone at the bottom of the escalator, things can only look up. because after all right now, everything is down in the dumps, we are talking more than don lemons ratings are nancy pelosi s neckline, the economy, crime, how can this get any worse. oh, yeah, kilmeade is on today. talk about getting off on a good foot. we do have reason to think positively for a whole bunch of things. you ve heard of the slippery slope and i don t mean the ramp that slides the ups delivery man into my basement. it s when stuff keeps getting worse by virtue of it already being bad. i believe 2023 is the year when the slope hits the wall and that s because stuff just went too far. we let did not stick the driver s seat and it s time for the pendulum to swing back to some form of normalcy. the adults n
do you like that? a recent op-ed in the new york times suggests short people are better for the environment. apparently they ve never seen when dana perino thompson to the east river. the essay titled, there s never been a better time to be short argues those of us who are high challenged are best suited for long-term survival. we tend to live longer in the present world of increasing windmills. but we also require less food and resources and therefore create less strain on the planet although we do require wood and plastics for our stepping st stools. conversely the times says the evolutionary advantage of being tall is no longer need to do in modern society, leveraging your larger size against animals or other people doesn t earn you higher wages. technology has leveled the playing field except on actual playing fields but i stopped paying attention to sports after i discovered neck massagers.