The next time you feel a little road rage swelling up, let Lee Je-hoon be the angel or perhaps oppa or hyung on your shoulder. In a recent interview for his new Viu K-drama Taxi Driver 2, Je-hoon shared with AsiaOne about what really grinds his gears while out on the road. "I'm a pretty calm driver, but.
It's possible to hide a gem in plain sight it seems, especially if it's Lee Je-hoon dressed as an inconspicuous local. In a press conference today (March 24) for his new Viu K-drama, Taxi Driver 2, Je-hoon revealed that he's actually been out and about in Singapore quite a few times. "To tell the truth, it's been quite a while.
TV News - K-drama actor Lee Je-hoon, who starred in the hit series Taxi Driver and Move To Heaven in 2021, will hold his first fan meet in Singapore on March 25. The 38-year-old star will perform songs and interact with fans at Lee Je-hoon Vacation Fan Meet at the Stephen Riady. Read more at
The objective is to provide a platform to reflect on current labour issues, reimagine new approaches, and restrategise the way forward for unions in Singapore and the world.