So, the first thing i did was get a list of primary counties, mainly the larger ones, los angeles, San Francisco, san diego, sacramento, riverside, and then i conducted like a list of how much it costs per system and a couple other notes as well. And then after that i went on to the smaller counties. So, i believe 40 counties, i believe. Even the smaller ones, ive had to call and make sure they are complete based or so forth. So, the work so far and hopefully goes on to me writing a white paper expressing our desire to change regulation to compliant based here in San Francisco. Great, thank you. And then next we have Stephanie Nichols who just started and, so, stephanie ha done a couple things for the office. ~ has the new tax and treasurers legislation has a new list of categories that you can tick off, muni registry business. So, the Business Councils do not wanted to provide them with a definition of what each of those items are. So, that was actually something that stephanie was st
Occur and continue into the spring. And because we have a Family Business course that is what we call the practicum where students are actually out doing things, we believe that, in essence, at least three of these projects will be able to continue into the spring past whatever was accomplished by december 9th. So, that concludes the information that i wanted to very quickly share with you. Im happy to respond to any questions you might have. Commissioner dooley. I just wanted to add my great thanks also for getting this going. Im seeing in my own neighborhood every day businesses leaving because theyre forced out. These are valuable neighborhood assets, successful businesses that just simply cant pay, you know, when their landlord quadruples their rent. And anything we can do in this area, i consider of great importance. Well, we he want to thank you for the opportunity to actually work ~ with the city on this program. I just wanted to share with you that our students conducted a stud
Operational manual and this will have to be conducted periodically and we need to check with the department to make sure all the information in the portal is correct. We need to do a content management and we are already getting feedback from some of our early users and updating forms and information and some of the feeds as they increase. Technical maintenance and security maintenance. Part of the next phase which has already begun in a parallel process is mapping out the five consolidated billing departments. We want to do is having the portal as a great first step into getting information into one place, but eventually if there is a way where people can log in and manage their account, they can pay bills and look at delinquency and pay for everything they need to do online. That is the pie in the sky. I dont know if that will happen anytime soon but its something we are working on and to get to that step, is looking at the process. There is so many things about the physical process
It really takes a village. Its not just myself. The team you see here, all flt Small Business leaders and some of them actually spoke earlier and all of you guys, we couldnt have done it without you. Thank you so much for your unwavering support. Congratulations. This is fantastic. I know start up Technical Companies take a lot longer. The fact that you did it inside of government is even more remarkable. I think it looks very modern and very up to date and i love the fearful it and looks like some of the best websites. It does look like its going to be very easy to navigate and something that is going to be frankly just a great way of off loading some of the work thats being done in person today because i think its very self service oriented. Its not perfect and still not done, there is still so much more work that needs to be done. I would like to say this is fantastic. I cant wait for this to be launched. As i open another business, i will wait for this. It makes you want to start a
Legislation and in your opinion, what is that going to require to do that . Thats a great question, commissioner. Right now its myself and my team of two. So the three of us have committed to at least for the next two 2 years weve set up a whole document where we are tracking every single piece of information on the portal and if it is required that we update it or check it every quarter we will mark that off and put oh n a date. We will go through a meticulous process to make sure this stays current, but it is something that needs to be kept up over the years which is why we are also creating a user manual and training so we can hand it off some day if we are not doing this anymore. But its going to take a lot of work and just maintaining the content on the portal itself and not even growing it is already a huge piece, but if we would like to grow it and again if we could advocate for more funding Going Forward thats definitely that will help keep this relevant. Thats the worst thing