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Wunderman Thompson s future-fit brand platform inspires HSBC’s customers, employees, wider society and the bank to constantly seek to grow, develop and improve
In the year full of changes, HSBC Singapore has stood out to champion changemakers with its multi-year brand platform ‘Why Stop Here? . In the past few years, HSBC Singapore had strengthened its position as the global leader in sustainable finance. But in a year of crisis, HSBC Singapore reflects on the values of a resilient never-say-die Singapore, and they issued the challenge to customers - and most importantly, to themselves - Why stop here? .
February 19 2021, 12:07 pm | BY Kim Shaw | 2 Comments
In a year full of changes, HSBC Singapore has stood out to champion changemakers with their multi-year brand platform “Why Stop Here?” via Wunderman Thompson Singapore.
Over the past few years, HSBC Singapore had strengthened its position as the global leader in sustainable finance. But in a year of crisis, HSBC Singapore reflects on the values of a resilient “never-say-die” Singapore, and they issued the challenge to customers and most importantly, to themselves, “Why stop here?” The future-fit brand platform inspires HSBC’s customers, employees, wider society, and the bank to constantly seek to grow, develop and improve.