piddly did, so it is not a big groundbreaking moment for that. and i were more worried if i were hillary clinton what is going to be happening when this distraction goes away tonight, and she has to the answer for what is in those wall street transcripts saying that you have to have a public and private position on matters and saying that she is for open borders and i would be horrified if i were her campaign. and let s talk about what might co up, and that is signaling in fact that she dealt with some of bill clinton s past controversies, and do you think that he is going to be bringing it up and should he? listen, if she tries to come up with a spouse narrative once again that mr. trump is anti-women when he is incredibly pro women, absolutely want him to bring up the fact that hillary clinton went after the women who were victims of bill clinton themselves themselves. and a.j., the problem is two-fold, no real are proof of that and two, don t you run the r risk of alienating m
looks. all day long the dow headed south until it finally closed down an ugly 266 points. on wall street, 4:00 couldn t come fast enough. we ve had eight straight days of losses, the first time that happened since the global financial meltdown? 2008. it is a scary picture, and we re going to walk you through it all in just a moment. but first a look at the other stories we re drilling down on tonight. it s ramadan in syria. instead of peace, more bloodshed. graphic new images of bodies dumb it ped like garbage as the death toll rises. can the world look the other way? and japan s endless disaster. radiation levels at their highest since the earthquake and tsunami in march. you won t believe what they re testing now. then with grim news on wall street, everybody is talking about transparency. but these folks did something about it, striptease for social protest. the bears rule in more ways than one. now back to the batd news on wall street. we finally get a debt deal
give the appearance they re going to do something. with that said, the political solution, if we re smart, we ll step away. we have other allies in the middle east. we ve got to step p away from the idea that we have to control the central government. i get annoyed by this notion, we re going to turn control of afghanistan over to the afghanis. we ve got to step away from the issue of the taliban. thanks, tony shaffer. thanks, richard engel. still ahead, why the lawmakers wait until they re losing their jobs to start doing their jobs. in our daily rant. what all the last minute work tells us. plus, an idea whose time is come. what if you could send back a gift you don t want before you get it? it s either the end of civil