sten vermund joins me now, he is a professor at yale school of public health. thank you for talking to others. some very big things happening at the same time. this is a huge travel period for china but also after a very long time lifting of covid restrictions. how do you think the virus is going to behave. yet among the newly circulating omicron strain is more infectious than its predecessors so it is easy to catch. and when we have mass travel and group gatherings we can expect substantial transmission. the chinese did such a good job with their zero covid policy that only their zero covid policy that only the chinese who are immunised with the chinese who are immunised with the vaccine or he may have gotten
Reason Magazine’s archive of articles filed under Public Health. Reason is an American libertarian monthly magazine published by the Reason Foundation.
The number of non-fatal car accidents that involve prescription opioids has dropped significantly in recent years, suggesting efforts to curb use are working.