that are sort of out there, could it make the effort even tougher, manu? that could give cover to republicans who are to oppose the plan that the democrats are pushing. they can say, look, we are supporting an alternative plan. they would argue that they re not obstructing efforts to try to stem gun violence. also what that could do is attract a lot of red state democrats, people who are up for reelection, say in alaska, louisiana, north carolina who are concerned about some of the more expansive gun control measures, even the universal background checks, piece that the president is pushing. that could give some attract some of those folks. it s going to be very hard to get anything through the senate. we ll see this fight come to a head next month. i m not expecting a whole lot to get through in the next coming weeks. of course the point person on this, former senator and vice president joe biden said yesterday, quote, i think we re on the vrj of getting a serious, thorough, uni
65-year-old suspect. the year s first congressional hearing on gun control begins this morning. a spokesman for the nra is expected to tell lawmakers that an assault weapons ban and background checks are not serious efforts to stem gun violence. wayne lapierre says the focus should be on boosting security at school, denying guns to the mentally ill, and enforcing gun laws that are already on the books. john kerry could be sworn in as soon as today as the next secretary of state. the massachusetts democrat won overwhelming approval in the senate yesterday. the governor of massachusetts announces later today who will take over kerry s seat until there s a special election. former congressman barney frank says he s interested in the temporary position. i think that election coming up in june. so we ll see. special election. so nice to see something get through congress smoothly. unbelievably smooth. enjoy that fleeting moment.
that bus driver later died. now they re negotiating with the 65-year-old suspect. the year s first congressional hearing on gun control begins this morning. a spokesman for the nra is expected to tell lawmakers that an assault weapons ban and background checks are not serious efforts to stem gun violence. wayne lapierre says the focus should be on boosting security at school, denying guns to the menltly ill, and enforcing gun laws that are already on the books. john kerry could be sworn in as soon as today as the next secretary of state. the massachusetts democrat won overwhelming approval in the senate yesterday. the governor of massachusetts announces later today who will take over kerry s seat until there s a special election. former congressman barney frank says he s interested in the temporary position. i think that election coming up in june. so we ll see. special election. so nice to see something get through congress smoothly. unbelievably smooth.
up with prom getting ready for graduation. they re confronted with this massacre and this tragedy today. do most people in the area, can you say whether or not they own shotguns? have weapons in their homes? generally in texas, you know, there are a lot of folks that hunt for sport. a lot of people do own either shotguns or handguns. so i m sure santa fe is just like that. what do you think should be done? maybe this is a bad question. it s in people s minds, if a kid grabs his father s shotgun and .38 we involver and heads out to shoot people, should the father be held accountable for the fact he left the gun sitting around the house. that is a tough question. we need gun owners to be much more responsible. i agreed with some of the comments made by the texas leaders even though texas state officials have done little to stem gun violence, mariners need to be more responsible in making sure their guns are locked up and kept safe from their kids. the lieutenant governor is tal
association chair, wayne lapierre, came out aggressively against background checks, arguing that the legislation which has the best chance in congress will do nothing to stem gun violence. my problem with background checks is you re never going to get criminals to go through universal background checks. we ll stop them from the original purchase. you miss that point completely. and i think it s basic. senator, i think you missed let there be order! and lapierre tried to turn the debate back on the administration. drug dealers with guns, gangs with guns, and felons with guns. they re simply not bei ining enforced. the numbers are shocking. in chicago, in one of the worst areas in the country for gun violence by criminals, it is 89 of 90 nerin terms of federal prosecutions, in the entire united states. it s actually 80th of 90. in an interview with telemundo s