cnmm and promote manage i personal platform. as you know, it s a really fun job and i m really having a good time so far. gretchen: we re going to get to your personal platform in just a minute. but miss america has to wear so many hats because at the same time, many people don t know it s the largest scholarship program in the world for women. and one of your things that you re trying to bring more attention to is something called stem. which is what? science, technology, engineering and math. i was so lucky the weekend of the inauguration to go to the women and stem conference that friday and be able to look at the people in washington would are trying to make this something that s really progressive and just adding to the mentorship in the country of women who are really mentoring other young women in that program and it s something that i have had the opportunity to bring light to and i hope to continue to do between now and september when we come back to atlantic city. gretc