people back to the rubble where their homes used to hom es and he joins us now. so, bosco, how ferocious were these fires that you were initially putting outhat yt? rer oh, they were straight out ofai a movie. i can tellt of a you i ve nevert experienced anything like it in my life. and, you know, i ve done deploymentha i ve been aroundld the world and i ve seen some disasters, but i ve never seen anything quite like ything q it,at whi just the speed at which it accelerated and how quicklchy everything went up in flames is just kind of unreal. at some point, the flames came so quickly and the smoke came with a gust of wind that, you know, it out the sky and it was going from night and day, depending on the direction of the wind. and the wind just appears that the. what was it like? you can see the windyou on the screen right nocaw? reen it looks like it was blowing incredibly fast. how scary was that, knowing that the wind could just blow fire right at you? you know, at that
these are people of faith.a fear we re not criticizing them. we re just saying this is a feature of religion. but at leastf there s a god at the center of it in the unitedte states . there is no god at the center of it. it means you re about to bthe of someone else s crackpotex g climate religion for example. the next time you go to the hospital for surgery, the doctor could very well tellt you can t really give you anesthesia. we ll tell you it sn th necessary to pull back on clima the painkillers in the name of climate. we re i m making t this up. by the way, doctors at the henry ford health system in michigan are now proposing to cut their carbon footprint by a tenth of a percennt by reducing the amount of anesthesia they give to patients. ally g oi for real, you will in thert for an appendectomy or any kind of medical procedure. and you re really going to suffer because the climate god demands itw . how far are we from like the mayan or aztec system? sysnot as far as we thin
0 turns out 80% of nfl players have a sleep. number three . sixty smart bed to improve their energy and recovery. if i sleep only from sleep number. if i just stare at these mana payroll forms like business,ge payroll taxes will calculate themselves. write a note into a quick helps you manage your payroll taxes. cheers with one hundred percent accurate tax calculations guaranteed. good evening and welcome a to tucker carlson. tonight, you may remember a writer called michael crighton. he was a force in american entertainment. he was a novelist. pr a movie producer.od p turned out a ton of top films and best selling books. the andromeda strain, jurassic park, et cetera, et cetera. but he was also and this is let s remember, a political philosopher and a very wise one .talk i twenty years ago, before hn saeu died, michael crichton delivered a talk in sant th francisco about the climate crisis and he described climatem activism in that speecenh as the religion, not a political re, a
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EQS-News: Lenzing AG / Schlagwort(e): Nachhaltigkeit/Strategische Unternehmensentscheidung Lenzing AG: Lenzing stellt auch am chinesischen Standort auf grünen Strom um 15.09.2022 /