1 incident of motor vehicle hit and run
No-contact online crime reporting is available. Please see the Public Safety webpage for more details: townofsteilacoom.org/160/Public-Safety
Suspicious Activity:
If you observe suspicious activity, please contact Public Safety – non-emergency number – (253) 798-4721 as soon as possible. To anonymously report suspicious activity please email the Department at crimetips@ci.steilacoom.wa.us
Public Works:
Crew Emphasis:
The crew concentrated on vactoring catch basins, open ditch maintenance, blowing sidewalks, and attending pesticide training along with other maintenance activities.
Crew Emphasis:
The crew conducted a planned power outage to energize the new cable installed on Stevens Street; disconnected power for homes in the 1500 block of Nisqually Street and 300 block of Puyallup Street; assisted the Water/Sewer crew; and performed other maintenance activities.